Emamectine Manufacturer in Camroon

Emamectin benzoate is an insecticide and acaricide used in agriculture and horticulture to control a variety of insect pests and mites. It belongs to a class of chemicals known as avermectins, which are derived From naturally occurring compounds produced by certain microorganisms. Emamectin benzoate is a synthetic version of these compounds and is designed to be more stable and effective in pest control.

Broad-Spectrum Control:-

Emamectin benzoate is effective against a wide range of insect pests, including caterpillars, leaf-feeding insects, and certain mites. It is commonly used in crops such as vegetables, fruits, tree nuts, and ornamental plants.

Mode of Action:-

Emamectin benzoate disrupts the nervous system of insects and mites, leading to paralysis and death. It has both contact and ingestion activity, which means pests can be affected by direct contact with the chemical or by consuming plant tissues treated with it.

VSD Industries

Chlorpyrifos Manufacturer in Camroon

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Emamectine Manufacturer in Camroon