
Cypermethrin 25% EC is a synthetic pyrethroid. It belongs to the pyrethroid ester class. It is used as an insecticide in both large-scale commercial agricultural applications and consumer products. It degrades quickly in soil and plants but can last for weeks when applied to inert indoor surfaces. Its decomposition will be expedited by exposure to sunlight, water, and oxygen.


  • It is a fast-acting neurotoxin.
  • It controls insects immediately after application.
  • A low dosage is enough to control pests. .
  • It leaves no residue on the crops.
Product Name Cypermethrin 25% EC
Type of pesticide Insecticide
Chemical name cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)- 2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate
Empirical Formula C22H19cl2NO3
CAS No. 52315-07-8
UN No 3351
Packing group III
IMDG Class-6.1 (Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, toxic (Cypermethrin))
Shelf-life Two year under normal storage conditions.

Mode of action :-

Cypermethrin is a non-systemicinsecticide with contact and stomach action. Also exhibits anti-feeding action. Good residual activity on treated plants.

It is used to control wide range of insects, especially Lepidoptera, but also Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and other classes, in fruit (including citrus), vines, vegetables, potatoes, cucurbits, lettuce, capsicums, tomatoes, cereals, maize, soya beans, cotton, coffee, cocoa, rice, pecans, oilseed rape, beet, ornamentals, forestry etc. Control of flies and other insects in animal houses; and mosquitoes, cockroaches, houseflies and other insect pests in public health. Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.


Crop Common name of the Pest Dosage/acre(gm) Dilution in Water (Liter) Waiting Period (days)
Cotton Bollworms,Jassids,Thrips Bollworm-64-112 Jassid-32-48 Thrips-32-48 Bollworm160-320 Jassid-80-120 Thrips-80-120 -
Bhindi Fruit & shoot borer, Jassid 60-80 200 3
Brinjal Fruit & shoot borer, Jassid, Epilachna grub 60-80 200 1